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CUHK members cohere under the plague through Mobile I·CARE

The Mobile I·CARE is a new programme rolled out in the first term of 2020-21 under the University Lecture on Civility. It aims to connect CUHK members through the activities not necessary to take place physically or on the campus amid the volatile pandemic during which crowd gathering is restricted. The first series of the Mobile I·CARE is titled “I·CARE Secret Talk” held in September and October of 2020 consisting of six online sessions. Different guests were invited to discuss with the participants on a variety of topics including job hunting in the pestilence, household conflicts, love affairs and restricted travelling, etc. All sessions attracted a total audience of approximately 300.

Another series under the Mobile I·CARE, namely “Small-group Reunion”, was launched in the first term of this academic year. Conducted in between the 2nd of October and the 3rd of December last year, the “Small-group Reunion” comprised 28 sessions of diverse activities which were hosted by incumbent or outgoing / retired CUHK teachers. Not only could the participants discover the hidden gems of Hong Kong, but they were also enabled to have a taste of different lifestyles in the changing world.

The “Small-group Reunion” was a great draw with over 1,300 man-session of registrations. In view of the stringent social distancing measures under the “Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance”, the quota of each session was very limited. Applicants had to, therefore, go through a selection process before they were admitted. To engage as many students as possible, four of the activities (i.e. “Campus Bird Watching Tour”, “Record Hunting”, “Introduction to Hand-drip Coffee Brewing” and “Farming Experience for Urban-rural Symbiosis”) were run twice.

The 28 sessions of the “Small-group Reunion” are tabulated below:

Although the “Small-group Reunion” could not cater for all students, it is a valuable vehicle to bridge the feeling of unfamiliarity between teachers and students particularly amid the situation that even prohibits whole-school face-to-face classes. Both the participating students and the hosting teachers have found this occasion very enjoyable. Please click here to learn more about the content of each session.

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