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2017-18 博群帶你入社區 A Walk in Community with I·CARE 2017-18

(Please scroll down for the English version)



本年度第四次「博群帶你入社區」將於 3 月 3 日舉行。是次到訪的社區爲天水圍,參加的中大同學可認識該區協作平台「天姿作圍」之運作,並跟其婦女一起製作果醬,聆聽她們的經驗。「天姿作圍」由一群居住天水圍的基層婦女組成,旨在結合居民的智慧與技能,創造一個可持續發展的社區經濟系統。活動詳情如下:

日期:2018年3月3日(星期六) 時間:下午2時至6時


















日期:2017 年 11 月 18 日(星期六)

時間:下午 1 時 30 分至 5 時

地點:樂在製造(土瓜灣下鄉道 95-97 號安樂工廠大廈 C 座 9 樓)


名額:20 個(工程學院學生優先)


按金:港幣 50 元(完成培訓及活動的參加者將獲全數退還)


日期:2017 年 11 月 15 日(星期三)

時間:晚上 6 時 30 分至 8 時 30 分

地點:王福元樓 505A 室




第一回:9 月行:讀跑青春 ── 跑步 + 讀書會 + 亞公角山社福小區導賞


博群大講堂 《青春迷惘後發現的十三件事》後,我們安排了一場跑步 × 讀書的聚會,沸騰大家的熱血,清理血脂,協助整理思緒。



日期:2017 年 9 月 30 日(星期六)

時間:下午 3 時至 6 時 30分



跑步路線:中大學火車站 > 城門河孖橋 > 亞公角山路山頂 > 突破青年村

(約 4 公里距離,適合跑步經驗較少人士)

讀書會主題: 《青春、迷惘,所以讀書、運動……和思考》

請參加者每人帶備一本與主題相關的書,每人作 3 - 5 分鐘的朗讀或分享。讀書會主要圍繞《青春迷惘後發現的十三件事》講座的延伸理念,眾人也可以分享有關青春及面對迷惘的經驗。


名額:20 個


分段時間 (只供參考):


  1. 合適的運動衣著,隨身飲用水;

  2. 一本與讀書會主題相關的書;

  3. 可帶備後備衣物及梳洗用品


  1. 參加者在活動前請先行評估身體狀況。大會將於出發前要求參加者填寫文件,證明已自行評估有關風險。

  2. 請自備水樽及足夠飲用水,終點有飲用水供應。

  3. 大會將會為參加者於集合地點提供行李寄存,跑步完結時,在終點供參加者取回。貴重物件請自行保管,如有損毀或遺失,大會不會負上任何責任。

  4. 建議帶備替換衣物,於完跑時更換才開始讀書會部分。

  5. 本活動受香港中文大學團體意外保險保障。

  6. 如當日天氣惡劣而須取消活動或有任何調整,大會將在博群網站Facebook 專頁公佈。




Adrian & James @ Run Of Page*



*關於 Run Of Page

人生是一本書一本雜誌。封面封底以外,中間的任何一頁,都可以是你的亮點。我們 Run,用身體做原點,勞其筋骨;我們揭開書本的每一 Page,書聲朗朗,見大世界。所以,我們又跑步,我們又讀書,我們都是跑書人。


一份社區報,由一群在亞公角山突破青年村實習的大專生製作。《亞公角報》每年都會進行社區實驗,2015 年申請爭取低地台巴士線,2016 年倡議「亞公順風車」共乘計劃,2017年則再聯署申請開放亞公角食水配水庫草地。搞這麼多「自己社區自己救」的行動與實驗,只因為這是一個被忽略的共融社區。




電話:3943 8621

We will visit local communities with different NGOs each month in the academic year 2017-18 to learn how they engage social issues with innovation, hoping to explore new possibilities for university students to take part in social affairs. Welcome to join any of the following walks!

4th session

The 4th session of “A Walk in Community with I·CARE 2017-18” has been scheduled for 3 March. The participating CUHK students will visit Tin Zi Zok Wai, a community-based cooperation platform located at Tin Shui Wai, to learn about its daily operation and collaborate with its female members to produce fruit jam. Tin Zi Zok Wai is formed by a group of women from the grassroots and aims to make use of their own skills and experience to create a sustainable economic system in the community. Details of the activity are as follows:

Date: 3 March 2018 (Saturday) Time: 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm  Language: Cantonese Quota: 10

3rd Session

The I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development introduces community engagement activities to students regularly so as to facilitate their understanding of various social issues, and explore with them new means to take part in civic affairs. This month, the 3rd session of “A Walk in Community with I·CARE 2017-18” will take place in Mou Lou Shan Chuen (transliteration) in Tuen Mun District. Our students will be given a chance to interact with the residents of Mou Lou Shan Chuen by assisting “Goods Co-Share” in the sale of groceries and household necessities to them.

“Goods Co-Share” is a social enterprise focusing on poverty alleviation through providing quality and affordable goods like rice, cooking oil, salt, soy sauce and detergent for the less-advantaged families through direct and bulk purchase. The consumers are used to buy on-demand quantity of goods with their own containers. In Tuen Mun, “Goods Co-Share” has maintained a long-lasting relationship with Yan Oi Tong in the areas of promoting volunteer service for Mou Lou Shan Chuen and empower its residents to improve their living standard.

Details of the activity are as follows:

Date: 27 January 2018 (Saturday)

Time: 2:00 - 5:00 pm (Assemble at 1:45 pm at Tuen Mun West Rail Station)

Venue: Mou Lou Shan Chuen, Tuen Mun

Language: Cantonese

Content: Briefing and packing of stocks at Yan Oi Tong Centre; and help out with the sale of groceries and household necessities in Mou Lou Shan Chuen

Capacity: 10 CUHK students

2nd Session: Creating Social Cohesion through Revived Bikes

The I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development is going to roll out, in collaboration with Wheel Thing Makers* and New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association**, a community engagement activity named “Creating Social Cohesion through Revived Bikes”. Participating students will be given a chance to work with other people (including volunteers from various professions and the ex-mentally ill persons) in repairing the abandoned bikes and installed storage boxes in them. These revived bikes will then be sent to To Kwa Wan for its under-privileged residents as communal bikes to travel within the To Kwa Wan district. Not only will the participating students be able to understand the development of To Kwa Wan, but they can also learn the skills of repairing and refurbishing bikes with creative ideas.

Details of the activity are as follows:

Date: 18 November 2017 (Saturday)

Time: 1:30 - 5:00 pm

Venue: Making On Loft (Unit D2, 10/F, Block D, On Lok Factory Building, 95-97 Ha Heung Road, To Kwa Wan)

Language: Cantonese

Quota: 20 (priority will be given to Engineering students)

Fee: Free of charge

Deposit: HK$50 (The deposit will be fully returned upon completion of both the training and the activity)

The following training is prerequisite:

Date: 15 November 2017 (Wednesday)

Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm

Venue: Room 505A, Wong Foo Yuan Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Topic: How to cooperate with ex-mentally ill persons; preparation for the activity

Speaker: Registered Social Worker from New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association

Language: Cantonese


I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development


Wheel Thing Makers

New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association

*About Wheel Thing Makers: (Chinese version only)

《軸物行者 (Wheel Thing Makers) 是一個結合創意、應用技術與社會創新的知識交流平台與自造基地,透過與單車相關的創作及社區教育的形式,籌劃了「社駒營造」,以探索藉此解決社會問題的可能。

**About New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association: (Chinese version only)

新生精神康復會成立超過 50 年,致力倡導與促進精神病康復者、其家屬及公眾的精神健康與身心康泰,最終目標是為他們爭取平等機會,獲得公眾接納,達致融入和全面參與社會。

1st Session: The September Walk: Running + Book Sharing @ A Kung Kok Shan Road

The activity is a crossover event with the University Lecture on Civility 2017. It starts with a 4km run from the University Station Piazza to A Kung Kok Shan Road in Shatin. A guided tour at the end of the run will walk you through the NGOs along A Kung Kok Shan Road and the problems they are facing. We will then settle down in Breakthrough Youth Village and spend 1.5 hour to share our reading experiences under the theme “Youth and perplexity”.

Details of this activity are as follows:

Date: 30 September 2017 (Saturday)

Time: 3:30 - 6:30 pm

Language: Cantonese

Running Route: University Station Piazza > Footbridge on Shing Mun River > Breakthrough Youth Village (Around 3-4 km, suitable for beginners)

Theme of the book sharing: Youth is perplexed; hence we read, run and think

Quota: 20

Fee: Free of charge


I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development


Run of Page*

A Kung Kok Post**

*About Run Of Page: (Chinese version only)

人生是一本書一本雜誌。封面封底以外,中間的任何一頁,都可以是你的亮點。我們 Run,用身體做原點,勞其筋骨;我們揭開書本的每一 Page,書聲朗朗,見大世界。所以,我們又跑步,我們又讀書,我們都是跑書人。

**About A Kung Kok Post: (Chinese version only)

一份社區報,由一群在亞公角山突破青年村實習的大專生製作。《亞公角報》每年都會進行社區實驗, 2015 年申請爭取低地台巴士線, 2016 年倡議「亞公順風車」共乘計劃,2017年則再聯署申請開放亞公角食水配水庫草地。搞這麼多「自己社區自己救」的行動與實驗,只因為這是一個被忽略的共融社區。



I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

Tel: 3943 8621

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